Auto Repair in Fort Wainwright, AK

Auto Repair in Fort Wainwright, AK by Simard Automotive Inc

Fort Wainwright, just a few minutes from Fairbanks, started out as a small cold-weather test station. It was perfect for the task, given its proximity to the Arctic Circle, but things changed rapidly for the station. When the first construction began on larger facilities, engineers learned the hard way that digging in permafrost, first for the supply railroad lines, was nothing like the non-frozen ground to the south. Indeed, the Army Corps of Engineers Alaska Branch is still researching permafrost geology and hydrology, making discoveries and furthering applications to this day.

Today, Fort Wainwright is home to the 1st Brigade, 6th Light Infantry Division and the Alaska Branch of the Army Corps of Engineers, among other divisions and detachments. Nearly 5,000 members train, on one of the Nation’s largest training grounds, in weather ranging from -60 °F to +80 °F, a true test of Army spirit.

Rough country and climate are particularly harsh on all of our vehicles, whether you drive a car, truck, SUV, or 4×4. Why choose Simard Automotive for your auto repair needs? After all, if you live or work in or around Fort Wainwright, AK, you have a number of auto repair shop options from which to choose. The answer: Simard Automotive believes auto repair starts with great customer service – it isn’t just “auto repair,” but building relationships – right here in Fairbanks, AK.

Reliable auto repair is only half of what we offer. After all, we would be nothing without our Fairbanks auto repair clients. In Fairbanks and beyond, you can rely on Simard Automotive— for all stages of auto maintenance and repair.

Simard Automotive is just a few minutes away, located at 5200 Aeronca Ave, Fairbanks, AK. To find out more or to schedule an appointment, give us a call. We look forward to getting to know you and your car!


We will take quality time needed to be sure of client’s needs.


Ask the client what expectations they have at the time of write up.


Using highest quality inspection procedures and forms.


Educate client based on personal needs, budget and driving habits.


Performs personal Arctic Enhanced priority based estimate


Always ask if we can perform, estimate, schedule or defer the work needed.


Ensure quality control and comfortable environment


Ensure retention is maintained though pro-active follow-up